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A Vista to Ponça da Dona Beija, Furnas, São Miguel, Açores

Lagoa das Furnas. 

This lagoon is located in the eastern part of  São Miguel island and is known for its thermal hot springs and geysers. The lagoon is also surrounded by beautiful gardens.

Outdoor thermal baths are a sensual delight in the late winter and early spring.  Especially if one happens to be lounging in the hot silky waters of  Ponça Dona Beija or the copper colored-mineral rich, thermal pool of Terra Nostra, both found on the island of São Miguel. 

I happened to arrive at Ponça da Dona Beija on the evening of a full moon in March (the Worm Moon). It had been a full day of travel and it was also almost eight weeks after a serious surgery. I was eager to rest in the healing waters but didn’t expect to be surrounded with such natural beauty as well. It was a quiet evening except for the sound of crickets, the rushing water over stones and the soft talking voices of other visitors. I eased into one of the pools, glided onto my back  and gazed up at the sky.  Then peaking through the swaying palm trees I noticed the moon. The outside temperature was about 15 degrees Celsius (59 F) and each of the five pools maintained a natural temperature of 39 degrees Celsius (102.2 F). 

The entrance fee of 8 euros allowed me 90 minutes. 

I’ve been a connoisseur of thermal baths for many years. I loved the Jackson hot springs in Southern Oregon because it was only a five minutes drive from my home. I loved the thermals in Bath, England for the essential oils that were added to the adjacent steam rooms. I loved the burning heat of the baths in Japan and the endless choices of thermal pools in Hungary. I loved Moulay Yacoub outside of Fez, Morocco for its rolling green hills, and the hot springs in Halkidiki, Greece because of its location near the sea. Finally, I loved swimming in the ancient Pamukkale Thermal Pools in Turkey on top of marble ruins and rushing to get warm in the cold brisk air. 

But if you were to ask me which one is my favorite, my reply might be similar to someone asking about a favorite wine. Each thermal pool was exquisite in its own way and in its special timing. Ponça da Dona Beija and Terra Nostra are my new loves.

Photo of the large thermal pool in Terra Nostra Park in Furnas. It was built in 1780, by Thomas Hickling, an American consul who had the original idea for Terra Nostra Park. 

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Patricia Latham
Patricia Latham
09 mars 2023


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